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Australian born interior designer and event planner extraordinaire Anthony Todd is renowned for the chic events he plans for his illustrious celebrity clientele, as well as the stylish homes he decorates.  He recently opened his own retail store - Anthony Todd Home in New York's fashionable Greenwich Village, so that others can add a bit of Todd flair to their own homes..Anthony's own apartment in Chelsea features a dynamic mix of classical, contemporary and custom made pieces and exudes the style and charisma of its owner.
Australian born interior designer and event planner extraordinaire Anthony Todd is renowned for the chic events he plans for his illustrious celebrity clientele, as well as the stylish homes he decorates. He recently opened his own retail store - Anthony Todd Home in New York's fashionable Greenwich Village, so that others can add a bit of Todd flair to their own homes..Anthony's own apartment in Chelsea features a dynamic mix of classical, contemporary and custom made pieces and exudes the...
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